Sexuality after SCI provides educational resources about sex, sexuality and intimacy after spinal cord injury. Personal interviews, as well as some positioning devices and techniques.
Sustain Our Abilities YouTube Channel webinar for professionals that was given for members of the American Spinal Injury Association. Dr. Alexander describes important points to consider about sexuality for people with SCI/D.
Spinal Cord Injury BC addresses some of the most common questions that are asked about sex and sexuality following spinal cord injury. It discusses some common beliefs and myths, as well as some tips for getting you started.
University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury Model System Reproductive Health for Women with Spinal Cord Injury Video Series to educate women and healthcare professionals on specific medical issues and care of women with SCI.
Everlasting Love YouTube series produced by Sustain Our Abilities about sexuality, SCI/D, ALS, MS and optimizing your sexual satisfaction while living with disability.